Terms and Conditions: Port A Bhaigh Campsite


“Accommodation” means a tent and/or caravan and/or campervan and/or motorhome and/or camping pod and/or pre-erected tents and/or safari tent and/or shepherd huts.

“Site” means the Port A Baigh Campsite (the “Site”) situated at Altandhu, Achiltibuie, Ulapool, IV26 2YR.

“You” or “your” means the person named in the booking confirmation.

“We”, “us”, or “our” means the owners/ operators of the Site.

Your Booking:

1.1.    We reserve the right to accept or decline bookings entirely at our discretion.

1.2.    Your contract with us will begin when we issue you with your booking confirmation. Your contract with us will be on the terms set out in these terms and conditions.

1.3.    All bookings are formally confirmed when we issue you with your booking confirmation. Your booking confirmation will set out the Accommodation you have booked, the dates of your booking, the number of guests and the total amount paid for your booking. We will issue you with your booking confirmation by email or, if requested, by post.

1.4.    You, as the person making the booking, will be responsible for all members of your party. You, as the person in charge of your party, must be at least 18 years old at the time of booking.

1.5.    Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 18 are, at all times, the responsibility of the supervising adult/ parent.

1.6.    Persons who are subject to the notification requirements of the Sex Offences Act 2003 may not visit, stay at or use the Site.

1.7.    Check-in/ Check-out is at midday.

1.8.    We can only discuss your bookings (including any changes) with you, we cannot discuss the booking with another member of your party  unless you give express consent for us to do so.

1.9.    Please note that no rental contract creates any type of landlord and tenant relationship. A rental contract only creates a temporary  licence to occupy. The contract confers on you a right to occupy the Accommodation for a holiday only.

Payment Terms:

2.1.    A 50% deposit (i.e. half of the total sum payable to the Site in respect of the Accommodation) is payable on all bookings at the time of  booking. The 50% balance must be paid no less than seven days prior to commencement of the booking.

2.2.   In the case where a balance remains unpaid seven days prior to the holiday, we’ll remind you by email, post or telephone. If you then fail to make the relevant payment, we’ll assume you want to cancel your booking.


3.1.    We regularly review and amend the prices we charge for our Accommodation. For the most up to date pricing information please check our website or telephone the Site directly. We will confirm the price of your Accommodation at the time you make your booking and in your booking confirmation.

3.2.   All prices given by telephone, on our website or in any leaflets relating to the Site include VAT. If the VAT rates change, we reserve the right to change our prices accordingly. VAT invoices can be provided on request.

3.3.   All prices given on our website or on the phone are for the Accommodation only.


4.1.    Your contract with us is a contract for the provision of Accommodation on a specific date or dates and this means that you do not have a statutory right to change your mind and cancel the contract. We do, however, offer you the right to cancel your contract subject to the below provisions.

4.2.    If you wish to cancel a confirmed booking you must let us know by email (Portabhaighcampsite@outlook.com) or by telephoning the Site office (01854 622 440)  as soon as possible quoting your booking reference and, in any event, prior to the first day of your booking. Your booking will be cancelled with effect from the day we receive your telephone call, email or written notification, and will be subject to the cancellation charges as set out in Section 4.3 below.

4.3.    Our cancellation charges are calculated according to the time between when we receive notification from you that you wish to cancel your booking and the start of your booking. Our cancellation charges are set out in the table below:

No. of days prior to booking start date Cancellation charge
More than 30 days No charge. Full refund.
1– 30 days

Bookings of more than one night: Deposit forfeited.

Single night bookings: 100% of booking fee (inc Deposit) forfeited.

Less than 1 day or after the booking start date 100% of the total booking charge

4.4.    If you terminate your booking after the booking start date, we will not issue any refund for any remaining nights of your booking. To clarify, this includes where you cancel your booking for any reason outside of your reasonable control, including without limitation, inclement weather and illness. We strongly recommend you take out comprehensive holiday insurance to compensate you in these circumstances.

Changing a booking:

5.1.    If you want to change any detail of your confirmed booking you must contact us by telephone, email or in writing quoting your booking reference as soon as possible. This includes details such as the number of pitches, the number of guests, the size of your Accommodation.

5.2.   Whilst we will do our best to accommodate you, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet any request for changes. Any reduction in the number of nights will be treated as a partial cancellation and cancellation charges calculated in accordance with clause 4.3 may apply.

If we need to cancel your booking

  1.   We do not expect to have to make changes to your booking, however sometimes problems happen, and bookings have to be changed or cancelled. We will endeavour only to change or cancel your booking:

6.1.1.   if necessary to perform or complete essential remedial or refurbishment works; or

6.1.2.   for other reasons unforeseen at the time you made your booking which are beyond our reasonable control. This may include occasions where the Accommodation becomes inaccessible due to a Meteorological Office Severe Weather Warning.

6.2.   If we do need to change or cancel your booking for the reason set out in Section 6.1.1, we will do our best to offer you a suitable alternative booking. If we’re not able to offer you a suitable alternative, or if you don’t accept the alternative we offer, the booking will be deemed cancelled and we will refund you the total amount you have paid us for the booking.

6.3.   If we do need to change or cancel your booking for the reasons set out in Section 6.1.1, we will only be responsible for foreseeable losses that you suffer as a result of that change or cancellation, and we will not be responsible for any unforeseeable losses you suffer as a result of that change or cancellation. A loss is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our change or cancellation of your booking or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.

6.4.   If we do need to change or cancel your booking in line with 6.1.2 because it becomes impossible to deliver the booking due to unforeseen events beyond our reasonable control, we’ll do our best to offer you a suitable alternative booking for alternative dates. If you don’t accept the alternative we offer, the booking will be deemed cancelled and no refund of any amounts paid will be offered.

6.5.    We strongly recommend that you obtain appropriate and comprehensive travel insurance for all members of your group. This should ideally cover illness, cancellation and injuries during your stay.


  1.    We take care to ensure that the Site is of a high standard. However, if you have any problems with the Site, please contact the Site staff immediately and give us the opportunity to resolve it.

7.1.    In considering any complaint, we’ll take into account whether we have been given the opportunity to investigate it and put matters right.

7.2.    Please note that we will not tolerate any written, verbal or physical abuse towards any of our staff or representatives.

Right to Evict:

  1.    We may terminate our contract with you and ask you to leave the Site immediately (without any compensation being payable) if:

8.1.1.    we consider that you or your party have committed a serious breach of these terms and conditions;

8.1.2.    we consider that your or your party’s behaviour endangers the safety of our visitors or staff;

8.1.3.    any complaints are made of anti-social, abusive or unacceptable behaviour against you or your party;

8.1.4.    you or your party cause an unreasonable amount of damage to the property or its contents; or

8.1.5.    you exceed the maximum occupancy limit – as we deem it at our absolute discretion – for your Accommodation.

Our liability to you:

 9.1.  You acknowledge that personal belongings and vehicles (together with their contents) belonging to you and your guests and are left at the SIte entirely at your and their own risk. We accept no liability for any loss, damage or injury to you or your guests, or your or their personal property during the holiday period, except to the extent such loss, damage or injury is caused by our negligence.

Events beyond our control:

10.1.   We will not be responsible for any failure to perform our obligations under these terms and conditions that is caused by an event outside our control.

10.2.    An event outside our control means any act or event that is beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation severe weather event, drought, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, pandemic, epidemic or other natural disaster, strikes or industrial action by third parties, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war or threat of war, civil commotion, riot, invasion, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks.

Entire Agreement:

 11.1.   This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes and extinguishes all previous promises, representations and undertakings.

11.2.    No one other than a party to this contract shall have any right to enforce any of its terms.

Data Protection Policy:

12.1.   We will process your personal data provided as part of this activity in order to communicate with you about your booking and, from time to time, request feedback which will enable us to improve your future experience.

12.2.   If you wish to change the way we communicate with you at any time, you can e-mail us at  Portabhaighcampsite@outlook.com or telephone 01854 622 440.

Governing Law:

  1.    These terms and conditions are governed by Scottish law. You and we both agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.

Company Registration Details:

Company number SC367934
Registered address – Port A Bhaigh Campsite Altandhu Achiltibuie, Ullapool, Ross-Shire, IV26 2YR